OpenUtilities Substation Help

To Create a Terminal Plan

Once schematics in the project are complete, use the following steps to create a terminal/cable plan.
  1. Open a page in the desired project.
  2. Open the Terminal/Pin-Plug Manager from the Manage ribbon. This function automatically generates a list of terminals and terminal connections according to the information in the project schematics.
  3. Select the strip(s) that you wish to edit. The connections for the selected terminal strip(s) will be displayed in the Terminal/Pin-Plug Manager.
  4. Changes can now be made, such as cable assignment, assigning connection designations, sorting terminals, inserting spare terminals, and other operations.
  5. Select the Run Graphical Plan function from the Output ribbon to automatically create drawing pages showing a representation of selected terminal strips.
    Note: Default formats for terminal lists and graphical terminal plans are included with the OpenUtilities Substation . These formats can be customized to suit your requirements by using the Graphical Plan Designer.